Don’t Know About You

Have an in house critic

Who has the opinion

That I’m mumbling to myself

With these ruminations

And yet, yet

The voices talking in my head

Are what I hear back

From you all

This world we share,

So strange, so brutal

So nurturing, so unpredictable

Oftentimes no good choice

For faith, politics, politics, or even family

Seems like having to do the best we can is all we have

With animals it clear, survival of the fittest

With us seems like it’s often just chance

Get so bogged down with endless headlines

Of tilted agendas and egregious behaviors

Always distracted by the sensational

And yet within in us all needing to be nurtured

The slim morning light of dawn

That defines us to be good

I know what is evil

You know too

It’s not a political foe, or an opposing religion

Not a wayward family member

It’s not letting the daylight show what we CAN be

We have an unending quest to make ourselves better

And in doing so we become OUR new world

It is real clear

You and I know it

Traipse down the seemingly endless path of erratic and negative behavior

Or stand for what is right

We are together in this

Now don’t know how all will end

But see no alternative but to hold hands

Working to be more than a haphazard happenstance

FXC 8/24/19


One thought on “Don’t Know About You

  1. Comment escapes me, Frank. Have come to know-not know you from years apart. I still admire your world and you from far ago. But this one gives me great pause….are you ok?

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